This week has been great because
of Chinese New Year!!!!!!!! but before I get into the china stuff we for
preparation day went to Sai Gung and had like an actual legit american burger
(all ingredients imported from the states) so it was a really nice slice of
america right there
We did a lot this week first I
went on exchanges with Elder Stober super fun. There were 7 people we got phone
numbers from... all from china... but studying in poly tech haha but we got no
cantonese! :( so that was interesting haha. We were also coming home from
buying Mcdonalds (cause that is everywhere in hk) and we bumped into Elder Wong
(the first person to speak in his native language in general conference) it was
super cool! and luckily we were not doing anything we were not suppose to haha
We also were able to teach
Andrew and set a baptismal date. He actually lives in Kwun Tong and I think he
has special permission to be baptized in TKO but we will see. He is doing well
:) I love how the lord works through us because he wants us to learn.
The lord definitely shows his
hand in our lives in tender mercies :) This gospel is true and apparently the
missionary schedule will change and we shall see on Thursday!!!!
The Wu family also asked us
over to eat and it was really good haha there were like 10 missionaries there
and the daughter is going on a mission to Korea I think? but it was super fun
pride is diminishing or
elevating what we see in ourselves and others
misunderstanding is the prelude
to offense - James E Talmage
Christ is sad when we sin
because we are hurting ourselves
the spirit can only testify of
truth. If we say we know something but we don't actually know, the spirit will
not be with us
we as missionaries are throwing
seeds into the wind, to sow, so many fail but a lot will succeed. The ground
can always be soften. (parable of the sower)
spirit is a light switch to help
you remember but it is not to give you new knowledge you have never heard of
It was only when I found God
that i was truly happy -sis Ho
D&C 50:24 that which is of
God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth
more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.